$450.00 AUD

3 monthly payments

Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases

Please subscribe to email list- this refers to important emails associated with the Sacred Woman Course, that are automated. Don't miss out on important info!

Refunds & Payments

The Light Collective has a non-refundable policy for all courses and trainings. All payments are made online and upfront in the first 3 months after signing up.

Payment plans will be automatically recharged 5 times if a payment fails. If the payment defaults your access to the course will be removed. There are no refunds possible. In order to regain access, you will have to start a new account which will incur full charges.

I hereby agree to the following Refunds & Payments policy:

  1. I agree to the non-refundable policy.
  2. I understand it is my responsibility to ensure funds are available for the automated billing option.

For Personal Use Only

  • I acknowledge that this course is for personal use only and is not in any way a teacher training.
  • I agree to not teach any of the following practices that I haven’t already been taught as part of an accredited teacher training.
  • I understand the sacred and sensitive nature of the course materials and why they are for personal use only.

IP & Copyright

These modules represent a lot of time, effort and love. Please respect the sacredness of these materials by honouring the copyright inherent within.

  • You are welcome to download the PDFs for your own personal use. No part of the the Sacred Woman modules you work with may be reproduced, stored electronically, transmitted in any form or by any means (including but not limited to screenshots, video recordings, email or otherwise), unless written permission is granted by the copyright owner The Light Collective Pty Ltd.
  • You and any affiliate businesses, will not use the same course and class names, or structures (for example the module structure and organisational groupings of practices) as the Light Collective Pty Ltd in respect to the the same or similar teachings.
  • This also includes graphics, layout, branding and creative IP inherent in the courses The Light Collective have created.

I hereby honour and agree to the copyright conditions listed above.


These courses are designed as a safe and supportive space for women to journey together through this sacred work.

  1. I agree to only share positive and supportive comments to the other women. I will not engage in trying to “fix” someone else or give advice.
  2. I will leave any prejudices I have behind and accept every woman for whom she is.

Health and Wellbeing

We suggest you really listen to your body. Every body is different, feel into how you respond. Be safe. Be responsible.

  1. I acknowledge that I am participating in an Online Course, offered by The Light Collective, during which I will receive information / instruction about Yoga, Tantra, Meditation, Kundalini and Pranayama.
  2. I acknowledge that I do not have any serious medical issues that will be affected by this work.
  3. I understand that this course involves practices that may require physical, mental or emotional exertion.  I am fully aware of the risks and/or hazards involved. 
  4. I understand and acknowledge that my participation in this course and in every separate part of it is voluntary and that I am free to choose NOT to participate in any part of this course.

Health & Wellbeing contd...

I understand that it is my responsibility to consult with a physician prior to commencing this work if necessary. I certify that I am physically fit and I have no medical condition, which would prevent my full participation in the Sacred Woman. I understand that because tantra, pranayama and kundalini kriya can promote strong physical and emotional release, that I do not fit into any of the categories listed below:

  1. Pregnant women
  2. Anyone under the age of 18
  3. Persons with infectious or communicable diseases
  4. Persons with recent physical injuries or surgery
  5. Persons with severe mental illness/ psychiatric condition
  6. Persons using major medications/ on drugs/ with substance abuse syndrome
  7. Anyone with a personal or family history of aneurisms
  8. Persons with a history of cardiovascular disease, including heart attack and high blood pressure
  9. Persons with asthma should check with a doctor

Emotions and Resistance

 As we begin to find release through strong practices and move through energetic and physical stagnation, you may notice yourself coming face to face with resistance, the desire to stop doing the work, laziness, conditioning or self sabotaging behaviours. This is all very normal. We encourage you to gently continue to do the modules to allow them to shift.

If you find that the practices are bringing up extreme stresses or traumatic responses that you are unable to manage safely, then we recommend seeking the advice of a medical professional.

Public Information

 I understand that from time to time, The Light Collective takes photographs or screen shots, which may be used on The Light Collective website, Social Media and other promotional material, and that some written content by students may be used, always with the permission of the student involved, as testimonials and I give my consent to this.

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The Sacred Woman | Monthly Payment 3

Our online course connecting you to Tantric Feminine Practices

An opportunity for you to step into your own personal feminine energy and the sacred within you. 

Dive deep into:

  • The Sacred Eastern Tantric teachings from India and China including - yoga, movement, breath work, kriya, meditation as well as Taoist & Yogic philosophy 
  • Learn how to step into your own personal flavour of femininity and become unapologetically you
  • Access to our online community where you can feel seen, supported and connected by powerful, loving women

 * Note: Please make sure you subscribe to our email list so that you don't miss out on any course emails, special offers and guidance from Sian & the TLC Team.

Full course cost: AUD $1,485.

What women are saying:

A beautiful pathway to safely explore the spaces of my life experiences and how I wish to show up in the world. In a world so intent on conditioning our humanness, this immersion shows us how to reclaim our power and drop into our feminine energy in a life changing way.


The Sacred Woman is needed for ALL women. I uncovered parts of myself that needed to be expressed and I felt closer than ever to my inner feminine power. Sian is a genuine embodiment and transmitter of this healing work, I feel lucky to have been part of this, and so grateful that I said yes to committing to the immersion.


Absolutely loved this sacred women immersion. Sian's ability to hold a beautiful safe space is like no other and it was so powerful to be able to do the work through the womb and yoni space. I believe every women should give themselves this sacred gift, especially for healing at a deeper level and getting in touch with yourself - the shifts are profound. I feel very blessed to have been part of this course.
